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New Dark Age

Gwar | The new dark ages | 2022

No more age of reason
Men are lost in the night
Gorging on the gloom
No love of light is left
Where there once was science
Is now a cult of death
These are the New Dark Ages
Lies have become contagious
Flames, famine, Black Death rage
This is the New Dark Age
New Dark Age
Bone-fires of the inquisition
Lawless, superstition and lies
Beggars in the street
Corpses in the flood
Knowledge without wisdom
At the price of blood
These are the New Dark Ages
Lies have become contagious
Flames, famine, Black Death rage
This is the New Dark Age
You stupid motherfuckers
Get your hands up in the air
Your world has gone to shit
But we don't fucking care
The air is foul, the oceans dead
We surf the blood-dimmed tide
Tonight we celebrate
And watch the world die
So get your titties out and put 'em on the glass
Clown britches down and shake your big fat ass
Ooh-ooh-ooh, oh
New Dark Age
These are the new dark ages
Fire lights, the fallen faces
These are the New Dark Ages
Cold sun, dark and rayless
These are the New Dark Ages
None of you now stand blameless
Flames, famine, Black Death rage
This is a New Dark Age
There's no more
Age of Reason
There's no more
Age of Enlightenment
There's no more
Age of Science
Now we're in
A New Dark Age

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